Address: Football alley, 6, building 1
Opening hours: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm daily until 12.12.2021. (Opening hours changed from 01.12.2021. Information about opening hours in 2022 will be published in January 2022)
«STADIUM «SMENA» (on the days of the home matches of the 'Zenit'- 2, 'Zenit'-m and U-17 teams ONLY)
Address: 21 Vernosti, st.
Opening hours: on the days of the matches of the 'Zenit'- 2, 'Zenit'-m and U-17 teams – 2 hours prior to the match start till the end of the first half.
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Address: 18 Dobrolyubov Prospect, 'Sportivnaya' underground station
Opening hours: 10:00-20:00 every day
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